All Texplained Team is happy to wish you a very happy new year!
And to celebrate this new year as it should, Texplained has opened its store, offering the first IC reverse Engineering and Data Extraction online trainings to the community!

Enjoy the comfort of your couch, bed, office, train, taxi cab, to get trained on IC Reverse Engineering & Data Extraction by Olivier THOMAS, our founder and ultimate expert!
From sample preparation in the lab to recovering encrypted embedded data, follow at your own pace our training on streaming

In this interview, our CEO and Co-Founder provides an update on ORSHIN’s progress and a comprehensive overview of its outcomes.
Through ORSHIN, Texplained shares its insights and expertise in hardware security design and evaluation, introducing a new framework that integrates high-level attack scenarios and open-source principles within the semiconductor industry.
With less than a year remaining until ORSHIN concludes, the project is gearing up to share its results with the world.
ORSHIN = Open source x (hardware + software) x security